Symptoms: After upgrading to the OSX 10.9, the MacBook Pro’s built-in express34 slot no longer recognize my CalDigit express-card.
Some customers may encounter issues with their express34 slots after the OSX Maverick upgrade.
Base on other Mac users reports:
1. Mavericks does not recognize ExpressCard (
2. Did Mavericks drop support for express card SSDs? (
Base on our tests, the 2011 17″ MacBook Pro (8,3)’s express34 slot is functional under the latest OSX 10.9.1. However, some Mac users reported problem with the older MacBook Pro (6,1) on OSX 10.9.1.
This is an OSX kext related issue, and it affected the express34 slot (not just CalDigit). CalDigit does not hold any solution. Please wait for Apple’s update/fix on this issue.