When using FASTA-6GU3 Pro, if you are experiencing WiFi connection lost and USB 3.0 device are not being detected after OS update or any driver installed, please try the following steps:
1. Reset your PRAM/NVRAM at least three times. Instructions on how to reset your PRAM/NVRAM can be found from the link below.https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204063
2. Download the CalDigit Software Uninstaller v 1.2 from the link below and run the program to uninstall the driver.
CalDigit Software Uninstaller
3. Download and install the latest Apple Combo Update. For example, if you are using 10.10.3, you can download 10.10.3 Combo Update from Apple support page below:
4. If the previous steps do not fix the issue, try removing the FASTA-6GU3 Pro and moving it to another PCIe slot.